It was not love at first sight - it didn't wow me- it looked like a typical stacked tube gat. But with Cyborgs its not the beauty on the outside- the beauty is on the inside.

The most distinct feature on the RX is the enclosed bolt
The new features impressed me. The fully covered and pinless bolt is the most distinct feature - it's the next step in marker design - it stops dirt from getting into the marker though the exposed bolt. The other new feature is the OLED on the grip- ok its not a LCD display but its a bigger improvement from the 07 model.
I like the idea of having filtration in the HPR that to me is the type of thinking that I love when it comes to the engineering aspects of the marker. I am really keen to hold the marker in my hands and take it apart and see what they have done inside the marker. I can't wait for the tech course at the WCA to have a really good look at the RX.

The other new feature I like is the bolt to cleans the eye and comes with anti clip ala the GOLDEN BOLT for the Droids. Again I'd really like to have a look at this new 'wonder bolt'. The operating pressue is now rated at a low 180psi (means less kick).
The High Flow Valve moves air at an extra 25% better flow rate - the valves opens easily and dumps air and cycles the shot faster. The new Ram at the back promises to perform with the same force and momentum as the old rammer at an even lower pressure - so you get more shots from one fill.
Lastly the other cool thing is that you can remove your "lower tube" (which is tech talk for the ram, housing and valve) from the back without the need of any tools- tooless maintainence is the in thing for 2009.
Comes in red, black, green purple, olive and gold packed in a nice protective case - a far far cry from my 07 which came in a Fed Ex bag.
happy birthday sir knight arthur... have a great time..
Happy Birthday to the most famous scouser, Wayne Rooney!
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