The story behind the Furious Barrel in the World Games Paintball Final is that the 16 inch dust black actually belongs to Mark Hobny from Team Canada. He shoots a wicked custom etched DM9* (with a dragon) on it with a Furious Lotus Barrel.
Team Germany were all shooting Luxes with CP barrels. By the time the Finals started late Sunday afternoon they (like everyone else) were having problems with guns and loaders going down. And most teams like Germany had to borrow guns. It was great to see the spirit of co-operation going around everyone offering to lend guns to anyone who needed guns. The Australians were lending their Ego9s to the Germans and the Canadians were lending their DM9s etc.
[ PHOTO by Photomonkey]
Mark was the only African American player at the tournament- can't miss him. He's played in D2 in America and in the Millennium Series.
So that's how Mark's DM9 with the 16 inch Lotus barrel made its humble contribution to Team Germany's gold medal victory.
Mark took a dive in the Doritos and his Furious barrel got caught in the dirt and was clogged up. He took the barrel off and kept shooting in the air with out a barrel. At first I thought he was just shooting loudly to keep his mirror in his bunker. But I realised Mark was lobbing paint in the general direction of his mirror.
What was amazing was Mark got lucky and lobbed a shot in and got his mirror in the goggles!
The play of the tournament - shooting and beating your guy without a barrel.
*was not etched by Dye
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