Everyone has been talking about the new Death Stix barrels from Australia. At first I thought it was just another milled aluminum tube, however I was wrong in my guess.
Curiosity got a hold of me and the Death Stix banner on PbNation sucked me into their website and wow – I was impressed with that I saw. Turns out its not just an aluminum tube but they are carbon fiber works of art. Now carbon barrels are not new to pantball with Stiffi and the Sly Equipment producing Carbon fibre barrels for almost 2 years .
What the DeathStix has to offer is simpler and better colours and designs. I have been after a white barrel for the longest time so when I saw their pure white barrel I was stokked. They even have a limited edition white skull design which is just as enticing. At USD$150 for a 4 bore barrel kit- the price is cheaper than Sly’s Dual Carbon kit ($190) and Stiff is being the most expensive at $209 with their Switch Kit.
we have the 14" & 16" kit available @ Pro Paintball if u r interested :)
prices :
RM529 for the 14" kit
RM549 for the 16" kit
you can call us at +603 7803 2407
or surf www.propaintball-shop.com
Thank you Ben.
If you send me some nice pics of the barrels I'll post them up.
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