This picture has become the most highly talked about and searched in Paintball online on Wed. Its a pic of Ollie Lang shooting what most think its the DM9. It looks a bit like a SLG but there is subtle differences in the back.
I wasn't going to post this because I'd assume that most of you would have seen it on some site or other - but since it was up on PBNation this morning and now its been taken down... here it is for those of you who missed it.
Oh yeah and Ollie was berated online for being a bad example for shooting without a mask on in front of kids.
He was in Ireland doing a clinic here in this post. is where the original pics are at.
Thank you for the contribution.
I think its a PM lah.. if you go to the website you can see the bigger picture and the marker got PM logo on it...
It has been officially revealed as the DM9, Video and for it on
official to but not officially by dye.
Looks like there is only one way to settle this - ask Ollie himself.
go check
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