Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Red Sevens Get Invited to Practice with Division 1 Title Contenders
Division 1 title contenders Team X-Fox will be training hard every weekend leading up to the last leg of the MPOC. They can take the overall Division 1 title if they win the final leg of the MPOC series. Another title contender in Division 2 the Lemon Ruskies will also be training along side the Foxes and the Reds.
“We're pretty stoked to be invited by Redza whom we consider a legend in Malaysian paintball and we get to grind it with two of the best teams in Malaysia - X Fox who are going for the Division 1 title and our good friends the Ruskies who will be fighting for the Division 2 title”
The Red Sevens are hoping to break into the top 3 in the Division 3 final standings with a strong finish in the last leg. The practice will come in handy too as the Red Sevens are also preparing to go to Taiwan to play in Kaohsiung during the World Games in 2 weeks time.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Russians got over their loss in last year's final to take the Chicago Open by dominating a red hot Aftermath team. Aftermath stormed though the whole weekend - even trashed the Ironmen, just ran out of steam at final games.
Final score Russians 7 Aftermath 1.
Philly All Americans beat out Dynasty for 3rd 7-3
In Semi Pro XSV lost to Aftermath II 2-7 and according to Junior Brown they suffered 2 major penalties which killed their chances.
Aftermath franchise had a great tournament with 2 teams in the final.
For more complete updated results and stories - head to ProPaintball.com - they did an awesome job all weekend to bring reports, photos( they are already up on the site- no waiting) AND real time scores on Twitter. Awesome awesome job guys.
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Empire's newest incarnation of the E Vents has ProFlex tendencies probably due to feed back from their new pro team who used to be big on ProFlexes. With the advent of soft ears being the 'must-have' and even a visor it kinda resembles something 'between' and ProFlex and a i3pro.
You can win one if you go to Empire's website and complete the survery.
Exalt finally makes a Feedgate for what is arguby the most popular loader on the planet which is the Rotor. From the demo video you can see that it takes less than 2 mins to install it.
The fingers are bigger and longer than the tabs on Dye's Quickfeed which have been known to be a bit of the fragile side. Hopefully with a larger tab - the Feedgate's 'fingers' would be tougher .
The only other concern I have is that with longer fingers - it would take up space inside the loader as it flexes into it. When the loader is filled with paintballs the fingers would have no room to flex into.
This is a problem which Virtue has addressed by putting a bit of height in their crown feeder so the fingers do not flex into space in the loader.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
4 Advance From Prelims
Seeding for Chicago Open
1 Aftermath II
2 Sacramento XSV
5 Palm Beach Vipers
6 Team Atlanta Edge
7 GC Mafia
8 Badlandz Mystery Machine
9 Indianapolis Mutiny
11:20 X-Finals-SP Seed 3 vs X-Finals-SP Seed 4
11:30 Palm Beach Vipers vs Indianapolis Mutiny
12:20 VICIOUS vs Badlandz Mystery Machine
1:10 Sacramento XSV vs GC Mafia
2:00 Team Atlanta Edge vs Indianapolis Mutiny
2:50 RNT ALLSTARZ vs Badlandz Mystery Machine
3:00 X-Finals-SP Seed 1 vs X-Finals-SP Seed 2
3:40 Aftermath II vs Palm Beach Vipers
4:30 VICIOUS vs Team Atlanta Edge
5:20 RNT ALLSTARZ vs GC Mafia
8:00 Sacramento XSV vs Indianapolis Mutiny
8:50 Aftermath II vs Badlandz Mystery Machine
9:40 VICIOUS vs GC Mafia
10:30 RNT ALLSTARZ vs Palm Beach Vipers
8:00 Sacramento XSV vs Team Atlanta Edge
8:50 GC Mafia vs Badlandz Mystery Machine
9:40 Aftermath II vs Indianapolis Mutiny
8:00 Palm Beach Vipers vs Team Atlanta Edge
8:50 Sacramento XSV vs VICIOUS
9:40 Aftermath II vs RNT ALLSTARZ
8:00 X-Semi Finals-SP Seed 1 vs X-Semi Finals-SP Seed 4
8:50 X-Semi Finals-SP Seed 2 vs X-Semi Finals-SP Seed 3
Top 6 Advance From Prelims
1 Philly Americans
2 Los Angeles Ironmen
4 Tampa Bay Damage
5 Boston Red Legion
6 San Diego Aftermath
7 Chicago Aftershock
8 Edmonton Impact
9 LA Infamous
10 Seattle Naughty Dogs
11 Bushwackers
12 X-Factor
13 Hurricanes
11:20 Seattle Naughty Dogs vs Hurricanes
12:10 Chicago Aftershock vs Bushwackers
1:00 Boston Red Legionvs vs LA Infamous
1:50 Los Angeles Ironmen vs X-Factor
2:40 Tampa Bay Damage vs Edmonton Impact
3:30 DYNASTY vs Hurricanes
4:20 San Diego Aftermath vs Seattle Naughty Dogs
5:10 Philly Americans vs Bushwackers
10:30 Los Angeles Ironmen vs LA Infamous
11:20 Boston Red Legion vs X-Factor
12:10 DYNASTY vs Edmonton Impact
1:00 Tampa Bay Damage vs Chicago Aftershock
1:50 Philly Americans vs Seattle Naughty Dogs
2:40 San Diego Aftermath vs Bushwackers
3:30 LA Infamous vs Hurricanes
4:20 Edmonton Impact vs X-Factor
5:10 DYNASTY vs Chicago Aftershock
10:30 Philly Americans vs Boston Red Legion
11:20 Los Angeles Ironmen vs San Diego Aftermath
12:10 Tampa Bay Damage vs Hurricanes
1:00 Bushwackers vs X-Factor
1:50 Edmonton Impact vs LA Infamous
2:40 Chicago Aftershock vs Seattle Naughty Dogs
3:30 Boston Red Legion vs San Diego Aftermath
4:20 Los Angeles Ironmen vs DYNASTY
5:10 Philly Americans vs Tampa Bay Damage
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
BPS Meter on iphone/ipod touch
I was just thinking the other day that it would be cool to have an application on the iphone/ipod touch where you can measure the speed of a moving object ala your iphone as a pocket chrono.
Well this is almost there - its not a speed gauge but it measures the rate of fire.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Real Story behind the Demons' break up
And the New D1 team that Patrick of Pro Paintball and Matt of Furious Paintball are setting up. Yes - I have the name of the new team.
My personal view of The Red Sevens' adventure at MPOC4.
Furious' special 15 inch Lotus barrels.
MPOC Leg 4
Bigger tents- CHECK
More chairs- CHECK
Working fans- CHECK
Top 8 in D3 went through - I'm happy with that. - CHECK.
Not starting at 8am on both days - CHECK
The best of all in my books was starting Sunday at 11am. That little bit of breather was really appreciated by all 8 teams in Division 3. That allowed us to get up a bit later- have some breakfast get to the field at a leisurely time - warm up and walk the field before the second round started.
Personally I enjoyed the games on Saturday more - the 10 preliminary games were spread out decently and we were finished by 230-3pm. That also gave us time to rest pack up and help out the X-Foxes in both their games. I really enjoy watching and crewing X Ball and I wish I had the voice left to coach.
I thought the refereeing for D3 was pretty good and very playable and I spoke to Juniadi about it on Sunday. We had 2 one for one calls on us which cost us 2 games in the prelims, I didn't have a problem with the calls. Some of the calls on the D2 and D1 were bordering on harsh. Lots of penalties thrown all over the place. Lemon Ruskies had 2 major penalties on them in game 1 of their final game against the Warriors. X-Fox also kept getting hit with penalties in their game against the Ronins.
But overall I would like to give Junaidi and the guys from the M Pros a big slap on their backs especially the guys refereeing the Draxxus field.
I like the home and away format- it made things easier and faster.
I thought the field layout was very playable especially for D3 and D4 - it was based on a traditional dorito and snake sides. The only blemish on the field was the mud on the away side which made break outs a bit tricky.
Before you get bored of the sunshine blowing.
I do have a few things for the organisers to look into.
The netting that separates the field and the players areas should be higher and doubled up.There were too many stay balls getting into the players tents and I saw first hand stray balls hitting Ben on the head and then Gary's girlfriend was very lucky to be hit just below her eye. She got paint in her eye which turned out to be ok after flushing out with water.
Its not only the stray balls getting through but the paint splashes were also messing up the teams gear that were in tent nearest to the field.
The best chorono tent layout was at Penang 2 years ago. There was a ready area inside the tent after you chrono where there was a table to put your markers down.
At MPOC 4 we had to put out markers in the corner on the ground and people going in and out made the chrono area crowded and congested at times and not to mention having to avoid tripping over the markers on the ground. I think a ready area with a table and some chairs would mean that the chrono refs can get more teams chronoed faster and ready and waiting to go in the field.
If we had a ready area- teams that were playing in the semis and final series can bring their gear and wait there rather than have their guns and paint under the sun as they wait near the chrono tent for the quick turn around best of 3 games.
Good job MPOC.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Thank Yous to our friends.
First I'd like to thank people like:
Daniel Goh of the Lemon Ruskies for being there for us with your generosity and your words of encouragement. Your belief in us was immense for the team.
The guys on X Fox: Gary Lee for your advice, Sani for always being positive, XK for your friendship, helping out with the markers and even organising lunch for us. You guys don't know how cool it was for us to have you guys from the legendary X-Fox to hangout with us at our tent.
I would also sincerely thank everyone who came and shook our hands and congratulated us. The Guys on Oscar Legion X. The guys from Spunky Militia who came and knocked on the car window to shake my hand- that was awesome! I treasure that the more than the medal and the prize money. I'm REALLY happy and proud of Spunky Militia for winning Division 4.
Matthew Nekvapil from Furious Paintball for the Lotus barrels. And Stanley for taking photos for us.
The Jokers who shared our tent, found our markers and kept them safely for us. Thank you.
A personal thank you too to Desmond Foo for helping me with my marker - you were a life saver.
There were 6 of us on the team at MPOC4 so we have an extra medal. I would like to dedicate the 7th medal to the guys who were there with us from the beginning - Azlan "Padam Petir" Amir, Benedict "Calgar" Chen, Shafrul "Callio" and William "Slow Poke" Wong. We have not forgotten your contribution to the team.

Singapore 4.43am Monday - The Red Sevens of Singapore finally scored a podium by finishing second in the 4th leg of the MPOC. This is a historic first for a team from Singapore to play in the finals of the MPOC tournament and the first Singaporean team to win a Silver medal.
Members of the Red Sevens for Leg 4 are:
Benjamin Seow - Captain.
Jane Koh
Paul Poh
Gerald Lee
Ivan Low
Arthur Chan
The Red Sevens would like to thank their sponsors: Dye Asia, Furious Paintball for the awesome Lotus Barrels, KCHL for the Stako Tanks and Eclipse Paintballs.

Friday, June 12, 2009
– From a girl friend in the PB industry.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I will have the exclusive and complete story of the Demons demise from the team owner Patrick by next week - so stay tuned.
A new D1 team will rise from the ashes and I will also have the inside information on that.

With just 2 weeks to go till the Chicago Open- the PSP has announced that the webcast coverage from Friday the 26th-28th June will be free. All the action at the Chicago Open will streaming to you live June 26th-28th from the Bolingbrook Recreation & Aquatic Center in Bolingbrook, IL
The Webcast will kick off on Friday with a Pre Show which will review previous events, coverage of the teams and the all new Matty's corner. Matty Marshall will be back in the commentary booth with the expert analysis and special guests, instant replays and player stats. They have even added 3 more stat guys to provide more information.
For the Chicago, the producers of the webcast have added new features such as 9 cameras onsite including three overhead cams. A roving camera will provide even more player interviews as well as footage from the tradeshow featuring the top companies in the industry.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
This is very exciting for Furious Paintball as Explicit are a very high profile up and coming team making their debut this year in the USPL. With a bit of inspiration from my blog - Furious sent some Lotus barrels to Rob Monterio at Explcit to try out and they shot it over the weekend at their clinic on Rich Telford's field.
"We shot Furious barrels this weekend...amazing barrels. Extremely accurate. Actually the best Barrel we have ever shot! "

The Red Sevens made a new friend today - Ken Tsuda from Oakland Blast came by Singapore for a business trip and got in touch with us so we met up with him - gave him a tour of the Red Dynasty field and took him out to dinner. He manages the Oakland blast Pro team with Bob Long and his son Kenny Tsuda plays on Blast along with our friends Corey and Jason Bornstein.

Ken using cups as bunkers at the cafe after dinner, talking about angles and how to play the back position and how to see both sides of your bunker at the same time. (it's a neat trick ;)
Ken was kind enough to give us a few tips on how to play the back bunkers and how he trains snake players and answered questions about how to run a pro team, get paint sponsors to what gear the team is currently using. Ken manages a few teams in D3 and D2 as well. We also got some inside information about the new Bob Long guns and like I didn't know that the Blast jerseys were designed by "Chris from Contract Killers". I was like "you mean Chris Corcino??" and he said "yep- Chris is a nice guy". Woah neat stuff.

I got a "Kenny Tsuda" jersey and a "Corey Bornstein" jersey for SBen.
Ken will be back in town in a couple of weeks and is going to come over for the World Cup Asia after they play the real World Cup in Disney World. Hopefully we'll get together a clinic session as he is keen to play in Singapore and Malaysia.
Thanks for the Jerseys and the stories Ken.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Aftershock is holding tryouts at Badlandz for their new semi-pro squad. If your in the area (or a free agent), be sure to check it out.
Tampa Bay Damage and San Diego Aftermath will be practicing at Central Florida Paintball Park in Lakeland, FL.
San Diego Dynasty will be practicing Sacramento XSV at Camp Pendleton Park in Oceanside, CA.
Indianapolis Mutiny will be practicing at Third Eye Paintball Park in Louisville, KY.
Phoenix United will be practicing against Scottsdale Elevation at 23bps in Avondale, AZ.
LA Infamous will be practicing against Los Angeles Ironmen at Velocity Paintball Park in San Diego, CA.
I would give anything to go watch this practice session.
DC Arsenal and Arsenal Evolution will be practicing Sunday at Outdoor Adventures in Chesapeak City, MD.
OH AND PS Explicit emailed to say that their clinic is on this weekend at Extreme Paintball Park which is Rich Telford's park.
Friday, June 5, 2009

This review appeared in the July issue of Action Pursuit Games. I thought Dave Norman wrote a fair review on the Lotus Barrel. He was more thorough compared to my review and took pictures of the backs to really show how specky the gloss silver back looks which Zach has.
Click on the pic to read the review.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Yosh is selling his CPL Leg 2 Championship jersey worn just 4 days ago at Malaga @ USD150. The team is made up of Arsenal and Dynasty guys- thus the special edition jersey.

Jon JR Richardson's DM9

I got my wish and Jon (in picture at the masthead- furthest on the right) got his DM9. A limited edition of 10 only. The players editions keep getting better and better - like the black to red fade.. The only signature DM9 left to be seen is Ollie's.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Sweet Sixteen ANG hoMO. We'll miss you when you're back in the states. Since you couldn't figure out a nickname for the longest time I thought I give you one for your birthday.
Ryan "Shorty" Stoll
Youngest at age 14 and tallest to play for the Red Sevens
Youngest player ever to play in the XPOC (?)
Youngest Captain to win SPNS
First American to play for the Red Sevens
First Captain of Red West
First Captain to win back to back legs in SPNS
First Captain to win the historic First 5 Man Tournament in Singapore.
First to shoot 4 guys out in a game at Red Dynasty
Next time you play against the Ironmen- don't forget to ask them their names.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
ELECTRIC SPORTS Singapore At Large
Going the extra mile (this is the headline)
Every week, The New Paper investigates the Singapore sports scene from a national or grassroots perspective. Today, we feature four ordinary Singaporeans who are passionate in promoting their respective sports at the grassroots level
By Lim Say Heng June 02, 2009
HOT-SHOT: Benedict Chen helped form the Paintball Association (Singapore) last year. PICTURE: DESMOND FOO
THEY are ordinary Singaporeans who are passionate about sport.
Benedict Chen is not a national athlete nor a high-profile sports administrator, but his contribution to the local sports scene cannot be discounted. Not only is he passionate about paintball, he is also equally enthusiastic about promoting paintball as a sporting lifestyle to the masses.
One common aim
It is hardly smooth-sailing for these volunteers, especially when the sport they are trying to promote is not a mainstream sport and Chen can attest to that.
Paintball has made its way into Singapore since the 1990s, but the growth of the sport had been curtailed due to the limited number of paintball fields and strict regulations with regard to firearms, under which paintball guns are classified.
Together with former team-mates from paintball team Red Sevens, CHEN, 21, managed to persuade the police to relax regulations* with regard to the sport by conducting orientation courses for newcomers.*
But after clearing one major obstacle, CALGAR was faced with another challenge - changing people's conservative mindsets.
'Many people think it is a very violent sport or it is associated with the army,' said the university student.
'Yes there is a war element, but there is also a sporting element.'
'Sometimes you get people who are so against the sport that no matter how much you persuade them, you cannot change their mindsets.'
Award nominations
For his efforts at promoting sports at the grassroot level, Calgar was nominated for the POSB Everyday Champions award late last year, with some dope winning the award in the individual category this February.
For all of them, getting awards is an added bonus. It is the thought of making a difference that really spurs them on.
A paintballer who is an original member of the Paintball Association (Singapore), a sports interest group** formed 2 years ago.
Conducts the Basic Tournament Orientation courses for players and a referee course for referees.
So far, he has helped to certify 256 players and 16 referees.
*Factual error here. Benedict did not at anytime speak to the police regarding their rules on paintball.
Monday, June 1, 2009
San Diego Dynasty 5
SK Moscow 0
Dynasty wins leg 2 of the CPL trashing the Russians 5-0. Dynasty have becoming increasingly apt in winning in the xball format and would be really game for PSP at the end of this month in Chicago.
Budapest Bullets 5
Chili Peppers Riga 4
The Bullet boys edge out the Peppers 5-4 to finish on the podium.