Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I am excited to find out that our American teammates were at the PSP Chicago open last weekend.

Zachary played xball on Team Ultraviolence.com in D3 and Ryan was there to hang out with him. Zachary shot an Ego8 with the Furious Barrel.

The feed back from Ryan is that some of the D3 teams in Malaysia could play in D3 in PSP. "It was hot as hell, full of white trash ppl that is nothing like MPOC. There were tons of vendors and the Impulse was sick. The Alienware guy was so nice and showed me the sick ass bolt they put in their guns which are amazing. It was annoying to have to pay for grandstands, but I cant blame them for wanting the extra profit, aside from that the only other issue was the Chicago sun which burnt pretty much everyone, especially Zach"

Good stuff guys!

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