Check this out- awesome graphics for upcoming movie starring well EVERYONE from the biggest 1990s action movie is there:
John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone)
John McClaine Die Hard (Bruce Willis)
Dutch Schaefer from Predator (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Ivan Drago from Rocky -Dolf Lundgren
Jet Li
Jason Statham
Randy Couture current UFC Ultimate Fighting Champion
Terry Crews - T-Money from Battledome
Austin? Yeah that's STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!
and of course Mickey Rourke.
Oh they even dug up the ultimate B-Grade crook/boss in Eric Roberts
I love the whole concept the name of the movie the skulls and guns logo. I would be a great name and logo for a paintball team.
Click on the pic to check out the 2min trailer.