Tuesday, August 18, 2009


(cut and paste from Sben's Facebook as most of the shit below is mine)

All Prices are quoted in Singapore Dollars.

1. Ironmen Blank C8 Away: $100
2. Miami Rage Aaron Tholey XL: $150
3. OC Bushwackers Jason Bornstein XXL: $150
4. San Diego Dynasty Yosh Rau XXL: $150
5. Corey Bornstein Oakland Blast XXL: $150
6. XSV Rich Telford Jersey: YOU OFFER ME.
7. DYE C7 Jersey XXL Red: $50

1. DYE C8 Pants Red L/XL: $150
2. DYE C8 Pants Red S/M: $150

Gear bags
1. NXE giant Gear Bag: $150

1. DYE I4 Mask (Leopard) is BRAND NEW: $180
2. DYE I4 Mask (Leopard) is USED: $160
2. JT Proflex (Red frame/Black bottom): $130
3. JT Proflex (Black frame/Blue bottom): $130
4. Flex 8 (Urban Camo) bottom: $100
5. Tonnes of straps: $30 each

1. Macdev Cyborg 07 (SGD1000 negotiable)
Stormtrooper White colour. Comes with tool kit, barrel kit and lotsa spare parts.

2. Thomas Taylor's Ego 8 (SGD1600 negotiable)
Red/Black colour. Comes with genuine team worn XSV game Jersey

3. 18 Inch Silver Smart Parts Barrel (Spyder): $25
4. DXS Pulse loader: $50
5. 4500 MacDev Tank with Legionair Regulator: $250

First person to pick up any marker gets the Pulse loader and Macdev tank for free.

email seburo55@yahoo.com

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