My Picks are in BOLD
My Correct Picks are in Red
13:30 Toulouse Tontons 5 vs Marseilles Icon 0
13:40 Copenhagen Ducks 2 vs Lisbon Benfica 5
14:30 Frankfurt Syndicate 5 vs Breakout Spa 3
14:40 London Shock 4 vs Amsterdam Heat 5
15:30 Art Chaos Moscow 5 vs London Nexus 4
15:40 Ramstein Instinct 5 vs Toulouse Dagnir Dae 3
16:30 San Diego Dynasty 5 vs SK Moscow 0
16:40 Outrage Valence 5 vs Paris Camp Carnage 3
08:00 Toulouse Tontons vs Copenhagen Ducks
08:10 Marseille Icon vs Lisbon Benfica
09:00 Frankfurt Syndicate vs London Shock
09:10 Breakout Spa vs Amsterdam Heat
10:00 Art Chaos Moscow vs Ramstein Instinct
10:10 London Nexus vs Toulouse Dagnir Dae
11:00 San Diego Dynasty vs Outrage Valence
11:10 SK Moscow vs Paris Camp Carnage
13:00 Toulouse Tontons vs Lisbon Benfica
13:10 Marseille Icon vs Copenhagen Ducks
14:00 Frankfurt Syndicate vs Amsterdam Heat
14:10 Breakout Spa vs London Shock
15:00 Art Chaos Moscow vs Toulouse Dagnir Dae
15:10 London Nexus vs Ramstein Instinct
16:00 San Diego Dynasty vs Paris Camp Carnage
16:10 SK Moscow vs Outrage Valence
Group A
Dynasty 3-0
SK Moscow 2-1
Paris Camp Carnage 1-2
Outrage Valence 0-3
Group B
Art Chaos Moscow 3-0
London Nexus 2-1
Ramstein Instinct 2-1
Toulouse Dagnir Dae 0-3
Group C
Frankfurt Syndicate 3-0
London Shock 2-1
Breakout SPA 1-2
Amsterdam Heat 0-3
Group D
Marseilles Icon 3-0
Toulouse Tontons 2-1
Copenhagen Ducks 1-2
Lisbon Benfica 0-3
Friday, July 1, 2011

The name of the game is break out of the groups - win at least 2 out of 3 matches.
After that the Championship is only 3 matches away on Sunday.
[ There will be no Live Webcast- Follow Results and Updates on ]
There are 16 teams in the CPL Division.
Teams are drawn into 4 groups of 4 teams.
Each team plays 3 preliminary matches on Saturday. Only the top 2 in each group go through to Sunday. 8 teams in total qualify for the Quarterfinals on Sunday.
1 Art Chaos Moscow
2 San Diego Dynasty
3 Frankfurt Syndicate
4 Toulouse Tontons
5 Marseilles Icon
6 SK Moscow
7 Breakout Spa
8 London Nexus
9 Ramstein Instinct
10 Outrage Valence
11 London Shock
12 Copenhagen Ducks
13 Amsterdam Heat
14 Lisbon Benfica
15 Paris Camp Carnage
16 Toulouse Dagnir Dae
Group A
SK Moscow
Outrage Valence
Paris Camp Carnage
Group B
Art Chaos Moscow
London Nexus
Ramstein Instinct
Toulouse Dagnir Dae
Group C
Frankfurt Syndicate
Breakout SPA
London Shock
Amsterdam Heat
Group D
Toulouse Tontons
Copenhagen Ducks
Marseilles Icon
Lisbon Benfica
All times London
13:30 Toulouse Tontons vs Marseilles Icon
13:40 Copenhagen Ducks vs Lisbon Benfica
14:30 Frankfurt Syndicate vs Breakout Spa
14:40 London Shock vs Amsterdam Heat
15:30 Art Chaos Moscow vs London Nexus
15:40 Ramstein Instinct vs Toulouse Dagnir Dae
16:30 San Diego Dynasty vs SK Moscow
16:40 Outrage Valence vs Paris Camp Carnage
08:00 Toulouse Tontons vs Copenhagen Ducks
08:10 Marseille Icon vs Lisbon Benfica
09:00Frankfurt Syndicate vs London Shock
09:10Breakout Spa vs Amsterdam Heat
10:00Art Chaos Moscow vs Ramstein Instinct
10:10London Nexus vs Toulouse Dagnir Dae
11:00San Diego Dynasty vs Outrage Valence
11:10 SK Moscow vs Paris Camp Carnage
13:00 Toulouse Tontons vs Lisbon Benfica
13:10 Marseille Icon vs Copenhagen Ducks
14:00 Frankfurt Syndicatevs Amsterdam Heat
14:10 Breakout Spa vs London Shock
15:00 Art Chaos Moscow vs Toulouse Dagnir Dae
15:10 London Nexus vs Ramstein Instinct
16:00 San Diego Dynasty vs Paris Camp Carnage
16:10 SK Moscow vs Outrage Valence
Quarter Final A
10:40 #1 Group D vs #2 Group A
Quarter Final B
10:50 #1 Group C vs #2 Group B
Quarter Final C
11:40 #1 Group B vs #2 Group C
Quarter Final D
11:50 #1 Group A vs #2 Group D
Semi Final A
13:30 W-Quarter-B vs W-Quarter-D
Semi Final B
14:10 W-Quarter-A vs W-Quarter-C
3rd 4th Placing
15:50 L-Semi-A vs L-Semi-B
1st 2nd
16:30 W-Semi-A vs W-Semi-B
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Last week the paintball fraternity in Asia saw pictures of Paul Lam who is the head of the MPOC and PALS in a meeting with Tun Dr Mahathir former Prime Minister of Malaysia. It was indeed a historic meeting between an icon of Malaysian Paintball with an icon of Malaysia in Tun Dr Mahathir.
I am sure many of you would be curious to as what transpired in the meeting so I asked Paul Lam what they talked about. So here is an exclusive interview to what transpired at that meeting.
Hi Paul, it was great to see pictures of your meeting with Tun Dr Mahathir. Every paintballer in Malaysia and the region is excited about the news of this historic meeting. We all want to know what the meeting was about and what transpired?
PAUL: The meeting held mainly because the [World Cup Asia and Command & Conquer] events are held on Langkawi Island which has been his pet project* since day 1.
It was also to get the acknowledgement from arguably one of the most intelligent and influential statesman from Malaysia for our sport of paintball. If Tun Di Mahathir can see the positive elements of our sport, I am hopeful that all others would too. Imagine Lee Kuan Yew** as the patron of the Singapore Paintball Series - that would help the sport in Singapore right?
It also came to my attention recently that Tun Dr Mahathir actually mentioned paintball as a training tool for military training way before the first paintball center in the country was set up. This idea was called off after a feasibility study and largely forgotten. I thought what better opportunity than now to help make his vision come through than this November - hence the Command & Conquer event in conjunction with the World Cup Asia 2011 in Langkawi.

What did paintball gained from this meeting with Tun Dr Mahathir?
PAUL: When I looked him in the eye at the end of the chat to reconfirm his agreement to be the Patron of the Command & Conquer event...he said "yes" with a twinkle in his eye. We shook hands for the second time and this is another mission I must and would love to deliver well. It is a great honour for our sport!
Thank you Paul and we all hope that World Cup Asia will live up to every one's expectations.
*The development of Langkawi Island is Tun Dr Mahatir's pet project. It was his vision to create a world class bicycle race that is the Tour de Langkawi and the LIMA Langkawi International Martitime and Air show.
**Lee Kwan Yew former Prime Minister of Singapore
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
PSP CHICAGO FINAL Dynasty's Coach vs Russians' Coach
By Overtime, I guess Dynasty's coach Mike Hindman was out of voice and somebody else was coacing Mouse in the snake. You can hear his coaching clearly and as well as the Russian coach on the other side of the stands. The Russians have 4 or more coaches so if any one of them lose their voice- another can step in.
Its down to 3 Russians vs 2 Dynasty. JRabb in Snake, Matt Blonski in God and Aleksandr Berdnikov in Center back and Dynasty had Mouse in the snake and Steve Pitts in the Doritos.
After Mouse and JRabb traded, Matt Blonski should have done a better job on Steve Pitts but he gets shot running up the snake. It went to one on one and the advantage was clearly with Russians who had a coach closer to Aleksandr Berdnikov while Steve Pitts was stranded out on the far side.
psp chicago,
psp chicago finals,
russian legion
This was Justin Rabackoff's legendary move on Sunday in the PSP finals against Dynasty. Its Boston Red Legion 4 Dynasty 5 and its 1.22 left on the clock. The Russians need to score a quick point or its all over. Dynasty is going to sit and hold out for the Championship.
JRabb makes it into the snake alive. He goes all the way to the 50 snake. Dynasty has 4 guys across the back 4 bunkers including Alex Fraige in snake back. Ollie Lang is at God shooting at JRabb in snake 2 at the 50. Fraige bumps into snake 1 to counter JRabb but is shot going in.
A momentary lack of attention by Ollie lets JRabb sneak cross field into the center A. He is in the A for a long time and Dynasty try to dig him out. Ollie goes into the snake to get at the A and just that moment JRabb runs though the middle of the field shooting Glenn Takemoto at the back dorito and apparently he gets Ollie as well on the way to hanging the flag.
JRabb dives and hangs the flag with 2 seconds to go injuring himself in the process.
Ties the match at 5-5 and forces sudden death Over Time.
JRabb makes it into the snake alive. He goes all the way to the 50 snake. Dynasty has 4 guys across the back 4 bunkers including Alex Fraige in snake back. Ollie Lang is at God shooting at JRabb in snake 2 at the 50. Fraige bumps into snake 1 to counter JRabb but is shot going in.
A momentary lack of attention by Ollie lets JRabb sneak cross field into the center A. He is in the A for a long time and Dynasty try to dig him out. Ollie goes into the snake to get at the A and just that moment JRabb runs though the middle of the field shooting Glenn Takemoto at the back dorito and apparently he gets Ollie as well on the way to hanging the flag.
JRabb dives and hangs the flag with 2 seconds to go injuring himself in the process.
Ties the match at 5-5 and forces sudden death Over Time.
justin rabackoff,
psp chicago,
russian legion
Monday, June 27, 2011
Boston Red Legion has finally stopped Dynasty run of championships. They came back from 2-5 -s cored 3 quick points to tie it up at 5-5 to take it to sudden death over time.
Dynasty dominated the first half of the match forcing the Russians to concede 3 points in a row before getting a major penalty and that gave the Russians a chance to score 3 points to tie it up. Dynasty tried going up the middle with Oliver but he get shot in the face and the Russians make quick work and grab 2 quick points.
At 4-5 with nothing left on the clock Justin Rabackoff somehow manages to get the flag from the snake and bumps infield into the center A without getting shot- runs down the field through the center shooting out Ollie Lang at god and Glenn Takemoto and dives the flag in with 2 seconds left in the match.

JRabb in the snake of the left and Alex Goldman on the right is stuck there because Matt Blonski is watching him from God. Across the field is Steve Pitts in Dorito 1
We go to sudden death over time. Its a tight game that stuck at 3 v 2. JRabb in the snake vs Alex Goldman and Steve Pitts in the Doritos. Russians have Matt Blonski in god backing up JRabb and Alex Berdnikov in the back center.

Alex Goldman bunkers JRabb and they trade out.
It stalemates for a long time until Alex Goldman goes to bunker JRabb and they trade out. Matt Blonski starts to push up to shoot Steve Pitts in the Doritos but somehow Steve Pitts pulls a shot on him.

Alex Berdnikov grabbing the winning flag after bunkering Steve Pitts for the Championsip
And it went down to 1 v 1 Alex Berdnikov at center back vs Steve Pitts in Dorito 3. Berdnikov is well out of paint by now and was picking paint off the ground. He realises that Steve Pitts is stuck out there with out any coach on the doritos side and goes and bunkers him for the Championship.
The Final had everything - it went one way and just when it seemed that Dynasty was going to sit on their 3 point lead and run the clock down - the Russians came back to tie it and still it stale mated down to 1 v 1 in over time.

Russians win it in sudden death overtime. Russians stop Dynasty's run of Championships. Russians came back from 2-5. Justin Rabackoff is definitely the MVP for running the flag in though a live Dynasty field to force Over Time.
5.58am Singapore /Malaysia time
Sunday, June 26, 2011
PSP Chicago Semi Final Preview
PSP Chicago Open Semi Finals

Blue vs red- Ollie Lang vs Ironmen. Dynasty and Ironmen are two old names in propaintball however one is at the top of the game with 4 wins in a row and the other is a team rebuilding itself. Dynasty's line up is too good for them to lose against a younger greener Ironmen. Ironmen need to stop Mouse and Dalton from running up the sides.
And they also have to deal with guys like Ollie, Yosh, Ryan and Alex filling after they shoot Dynasty's forwards out. On top of that Dynasty have a great coach in Mike Hinman who can read the game and adjust the plays to beat you.
The only way to beat Dynasty as we saw in their match against Tampa Bay - is for the Ironmen to somehow take it to them and roll on the momentum. They key to holding Dynasty up is to get out and cut Mouse off from the snake and cut Dalton from the Doritos. It'll be a good match up Mouse vs Mike Spika in the snake and Brandon Short vs Dalton in the Doritos.

The Russians have everything going for them. They have good laners and get Gs on the break- they have JRabb that usually owns the snake. They have 4 coaches to control the game. They train and specialise in the PSP format. They go stung by Dynasty in Texas and they want to get another shot at them.
Edmonton Impact have the talent and the experience to take points from the Russians. They have experienced guys like Josh Davey and the All Americans they picked up Tim Montressor, Chad George and Ryan Moorehead who know how to play the Russians. It definitely wont be a walk over when these guys bring their game. They just need to not panic and take it point by point and not let them get away. Russians always play two stacked at home on the break to lane - Impact needs to get outside alive and pinch them before the Russians break out from home.
Hopefully it'll be a close match and they trade points.
*SIN/MAL time
I'll Jinx Dynasty and Boston and pick them to prevail and meet in the finals. That is what I think every want wants to watch tonight.
Pro Finals is Scheduled at 4.20am SIN/MAL time

Blue vs red- Ollie Lang vs Ironmen. Dynasty and Ironmen are two old names in propaintball however one is at the top of the game with 4 wins in a row and the other is a team rebuilding itself. Dynasty's line up is too good for them to lose against a younger greener Ironmen. Ironmen need to stop Mouse and Dalton from running up the sides.
And they also have to deal with guys like Ollie, Yosh, Ryan and Alex filling after they shoot Dynasty's forwards out. On top of that Dynasty have a great coach in Mike Hinman who can read the game and adjust the plays to beat you.
The only way to beat Dynasty as we saw in their match against Tampa Bay - is for the Ironmen to somehow take it to them and roll on the momentum. They key to holding Dynasty up is to get out and cut Mouse off from the snake and cut Dalton from the Doritos. It'll be a good match up Mouse vs Mike Spika in the snake and Brandon Short vs Dalton in the Doritos.

The Russians have everything going for them. They have good laners and get Gs on the break- they have JRabb that usually owns the snake. They have 4 coaches to control the game. They train and specialise in the PSP format. They go stung by Dynasty in Texas and they want to get another shot at them.
Edmonton Impact have the talent and the experience to take points from the Russians. They have experienced guys like Josh Davey and the All Americans they picked up Tim Montressor, Chad George and Ryan Moorehead who know how to play the Russians. It definitely wont be a walk over when these guys bring their game. They just need to not panic and take it point by point and not let them get away. Russians always play two stacked at home on the break to lane - Impact needs to get outside alive and pinch them before the Russians break out from home.
Hopefully it'll be a close match and they trade points.
*SIN/MAL time
I'll Jinx Dynasty and Boston and pick them to prevail and meet in the finals. That is what I think every want wants to watch tonight.
Pro Finals is Scheduled at 4.20am SIN/MAL time
I had a bad day on Saturday with only half my picks right.
VICIOUS 3 vs Chattanooga CEP 7
LA Infamous 2 vs Los Angeles Ironmen 7
Boston Red Legion 5 vs Chattanooga CEP 1
Los Angeles Ironmen 4 vs VICIOUS 6
Boston Red Legion 7 vs LA Infamous 2
Edmonton Impact 5 vs Chicago Aftershock 4
Tampa Bay Damage 1 vs X-Factor 7
DYNASTY 7 vs Chicago Aftershock 1
X-Factor 2 vs Edmonton Impact 7
DYNASTY 3 vs Tampa Bay Damage 6
Team Rankings After Prelims
1. Boston Red Legion 4-0
2. Dynasty 3-1
3. Edmonton Impact 3-1
4. LA Ironmen 2-2
5. X-Factor 2-2
6. LA Infamous 2-2
7. Tampa Bay Damage 2-2
8. Vicious 1-3
9. Chattanooga CEP 1-3
10. Chicago Aftershock 0-4
Boston Red Legion justified their no1 seed and romped through Chattanooga and Infamous and finished top 4-0. In the big match up against Infamous they dropped 2 quick points initially before regrouping and running 7 straight points past Infamous to secure Sunday.
Dynasty totally dominated a helpless Aftershock 7-1 and surprisingly blew a big 3-0 lead with Tampa Bay and let them score 6 unanswered points. Momentum is the chink in their armor that the others will have to exploit to beat them. Matty Marshall said that losing to Tampa bay was a good thing for them because it mean they avoid Boston in the semifinals but also the loss should wake them up in time for the finals.
Impact lost only 1 match and that was to Dynasty. They won both Saturday matches and qualified 3rd spot. They have been the better team in terms of controlling the matches and holding out against Aftershock 5-4 and dominating x-Factor in their last match. They play Boston Red Legion on Sunday in the semifinals, if they can remain calm and not let the Russins get a momentum going they can beat them.
Ironmen turned out to be the dark house of the weekend. They quietly took wins from favourites Infamous and that along with their 7-0 win from Chattanooga was enough to squeeze past Infamous, Tampa Bay, and XFactor (who were all 2-2) to make it to the Final four. Consistency is still not there yet because they lost to Vicious 6-4. But they did just enough to make it to Sunday. they some something really special to bead tournament favourites Dynasty to make it to the final.
X-Factor played really well this tournament. There were 4 teams that finished 2-2 record and X-Factor just missed out on Sunday finishing 5th. Not enough to make it to Sunday but will have good things to bring to the next tournament. They did trash Tampa 7-1 to prove that the full team back together is something to contend with.
Infamous surprisingly lost to the Ironmen which meant they had to come out and beat Boston which they didnt. Infamous ended losing both their games on Sat with a 2-2 record which was the same as the Ironmen but the Ironmen go through from a better point margin
Tampa Day was also disappointing they dropped points when they shouldnt and couldn't get back up. They were already out by the time they played Dynasty in the last match but it was the match of the day by the great come back from 0-3 to make it 6-3. Proves that they have what it takes but today it wasn't there.
Chattanooga finally got their first win of the year beating Vicious. A big upset in more ways as it killed any chance Vicious had to progesss to Sunday. They avoid being last place overall with the single win.
Aftershock took it to Impact - traded points all the way to the line. Good Close game Impact just held them just off long enough to beat then 5-4 a one point game. This took too much out of Chicago for their last game against Dynasty. They came out strong in the first point against Dynasty winning is less than a min. I thought it was going to be a close game but it was all downhill from there. some of the point weere chaotic blood baths but with Dynasty alwasy coming out winners. Pressure got to Aftershock and theyself destructed with penalties at the end going down 7-1.
The match of the day was Tampa Bay's come back from 0-3 to beat Dynasty 6-3
VICIOUS 3 vs Chattanooga CEP 7
LA Infamous 2 vs Los Angeles Ironmen 7
Boston Red Legion 5 vs Chattanooga CEP 1
Los Angeles Ironmen 4 vs VICIOUS 6
Boston Red Legion 7 vs LA Infamous 2
Edmonton Impact 5 vs Chicago Aftershock 4
Tampa Bay Damage 1 vs X-Factor 7
DYNASTY 7 vs Chicago Aftershock 1
X-Factor 2 vs Edmonton Impact 7
DYNASTY 3 vs Tampa Bay Damage 6
Team Rankings After Prelims
1. Boston Red Legion 4-0
2. Dynasty 3-1
3. Edmonton Impact 3-1
4. LA Ironmen 2-2
5. X-Factor 2-2
6. LA Infamous 2-2
7. Tampa Bay Damage 2-2
8. Vicious 1-3
9. Chattanooga CEP 1-3
10. Chicago Aftershock 0-4
Boston Red Legion justified their no1 seed and romped through Chattanooga and Infamous and finished top 4-0. In the big match up against Infamous they dropped 2 quick points initially before regrouping and running 7 straight points past Infamous to secure Sunday.
Dynasty totally dominated a helpless Aftershock 7-1 and surprisingly blew a big 3-0 lead with Tampa Bay and let them score 6 unanswered points. Momentum is the chink in their armor that the others will have to exploit to beat them. Matty Marshall said that losing to Tampa bay was a good thing for them because it mean they avoid Boston in the semifinals but also the loss should wake them up in time for the finals.
Impact lost only 1 match and that was to Dynasty. They won both Saturday matches and qualified 3rd spot. They have been the better team in terms of controlling the matches and holding out against Aftershock 5-4 and dominating x-Factor in their last match. They play Boston Red Legion on Sunday in the semifinals, if they can remain calm and not let the Russins get a momentum going they can beat them.
Ironmen turned out to be the dark house of the weekend. They quietly took wins from favourites Infamous and that along with their 7-0 win from Chattanooga was enough to squeeze past Infamous, Tampa Bay, and XFactor (who were all 2-2) to make it to the Final four. Consistency is still not there yet because they lost to Vicious 6-4. But they did just enough to make it to Sunday. they some something really special to bead tournament favourites Dynasty to make it to the final.
X-Factor played really well this tournament. There were 4 teams that finished 2-2 record and X-Factor just missed out on Sunday finishing 5th. Not enough to make it to Sunday but will have good things to bring to the next tournament. They did trash Tampa 7-1 to prove that the full team back together is something to contend with.
Infamous surprisingly lost to the Ironmen which meant they had to come out and beat Boston which they didnt. Infamous ended losing both their games on Sat with a 2-2 record which was the same as the Ironmen but the Ironmen go through from a better point margin
Tampa Day was also disappointing they dropped points when they shouldnt and couldn't get back up. They were already out by the time they played Dynasty in the last match but it was the match of the day by the great come back from 0-3 to make it 6-3. Proves that they have what it takes but today it wasn't there.
Chattanooga finally got their first win of the year beating Vicious. A big upset in more ways as it killed any chance Vicious had to progesss to Sunday. They avoid being last place overall with the single win.
Aftershock took it to Impact - traded points all the way to the line. Good Close game Impact just held them just off long enough to beat then 5-4 a one point game. This took too much out of Chicago for their last game against Dynasty. They came out strong in the first point against Dynasty winning is less than a min. I thought it was going to be a close game but it was all downhill from there. some of the point weere chaotic blood baths but with Dynasty alwasy coming out winners. Pressure got to Aftershock and theyself destructed with penalties at the end going down 7-1.
The match of the day was Tampa Bay's come back from 0-3 to beat Dynasty 6-3
Saturday, June 25, 2011
There were a few close games on the first day of PSP Chicago -
Infamous were taken down to the wire edging out VICIOUS with 51 secs left on the clock.
X-Factor and Aftershock went to Overtime and got the win.
Impact pulled the surprise win over favorites Tampa Bay Damage and is the only pick I got wrong out of 10 matches.
LA Infamous 7 vs VICIOUS 6
Los Angeles Ironmen 7 vs Chattanooga CEP 0
Boston Red Legion 7 vs VICIOUS 1
LA Infamous 7 vs Chattanooga CEP 1
Boston Red Legion 7 vs Los Angeles Ironmen 2
Tampa Bay Damage 5 vs Chicago Aftershock 3
DYNASTY 7 vs Edmonton Impact 4
X-Factor 7 vs Chicago Aftershock 6
Tampa Bay Damage 2 vs Edmonton Impact 7
DYNASTY 7 vs X-Factor 3
My Picks are in BOLD
Correct picks at in RED
Infamous were taken down to the wire edging out VICIOUS with 51 secs left on the clock.
X-Factor and Aftershock went to Overtime and got the win.
Impact pulled the surprise win over favorites Tampa Bay Damage and is the only pick I got wrong out of 10 matches.
LA Infamous 7 vs VICIOUS 6
Los Angeles Ironmen 7 vs Chattanooga CEP 0
Boston Red Legion 7 vs VICIOUS 1
LA Infamous 7 vs Chattanooga CEP 1
Boston Red Legion 7 vs Los Angeles Ironmen 2
Tampa Bay Damage 5 vs Chicago Aftershock 3
DYNASTY 7 vs Edmonton Impact 4
X-Factor 7 vs Chicago Aftershock 6
Tampa Bay Damage 2 vs Edmonton Impact 7
DYNASTY 7 vs X-Factor 3
My Picks are in BOLD
Correct picks at in RED
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I find predicting the scores on Pick'em rather hard but I submitted my scores and here are my* Final Four teams. Tampa Bay Damage vs Boston Red Legion and La Infamous vs Dynasty. Boy if that came true it'll be one heck of a Semi final / Final Four series.
BTW I picked Infamous over Boston Red Legion in the final.
Good luck with your picks.
*With due respect to the other 6 teams.
Here are my prelim game picks AFL TIPPING style - just pick the winner.
Let see how many I get right/wrong.
If you'd like to submit your tips please cut and paste the line ups below mark or bold your picks and email them to me here
LA Infamous vs VICIOUS
Los Angeles Ironmen vs Chattanooga CEP
Boston Red Legion vs VICIOUS
LA Infamous vs Chattanooga CEP
Boston Red Legion vs Los Angeles Ironmen
Tampa Bay Damage vs Chicago Aftershock
DYNASTY vs Edmonton Impact
X-Factor vs Chicago Aftershock
Tampa Bay Damage vs Edmonton Impact
DYNASTY vs X-Factor
VICIOUS vs Chattanooga CEP
LA Infamous vs Los Angeles Ironmen
Boston Red Legion vs Chattanooga CEP
Los Angeles Ironmen vs VICIOUS
Boston Red Legion vs LA Infamous
Edmonton Impact vs Chicago Aftershock
Tampa Bay Damage vs X-Factor
DYNASTY vs Chicago Aftershock
X-Factor vs Edmonton Impact
DYNASTY vs Tampa Bay Damage

Here is how its going to run this weekend. Each Pro team will play 4 preliminary Race to 7 games: 2 games on Friday and 2 games on Sat. Top 2 teams from each bracket will play each other in the Semi finals for a spot in the Finals.
Note that the LIVE WEBCAST is on only for Sat and Sun. Which means we'll only get to watch matches on Saturday Day 2 Prelims and Sunday Finals.
Semi-Final and Final schedule is not up as of now.
Pre-Event Team Ranking
1 Dynasty #DYN
2 Boston Red Legion #BRL
3 LA Infamous #INF
4 Tampa Bay Damage #TBD
5 X-Factor #XFR
6 LA Ironmen #IRM
7 Vicious #VIC
8 Edmonton Impact #IMP
9 Chicago Aftershock #CHI
10 Chattanooga CEP #CEP
Bracket 1
Bracket 2
9:15am/10:15pm LA Infamous vs VICIOUS
10:00am/11:00pm Los Angeles Ironmen vs Chattanooga CEP
10:45am/11:45pm Boston Red Legion vs VICIOUS
11:30am/12:30am LA Infamous vs Chattanooga CEP
12:15pm/1:15am Boston Red Legion vs Los Angeles Ironmen
1:45pm/2:45am Tampa Bay Damage vs Chicago Aftershock
2:30pm/3:30am DYNASTY vs Edmonton Impact
3:15pm/4:15am X-Factor vs Chicago Aftershock
4:00pm/5:00am Tampa Bay Damage vs Edmonton Impact
4:45pm/5:45am DYNASTY vs X-Factor
9:00am/10pm VICIOUS vs Chattanooga CEP
9:45am/10:45pm LA Infamous vs Los Angeles Ironmen
10:30am/11:30pm Boston Red Legion vs Chattanooga CEP
11:15am/12:15am Los Angeles Ironmen vs VICIOUS
12:00pm/1:00am Boston Red Legion vs LA Infamous
1:30pm/2:30am Edmonton Impact vs Chicago Aftershock
2:15pm/3:15am Tampa Bay Damage vs X-Factor
3:00pm/4:00am DYNASTY vs Chicago Aftershock
3:45pm/4:45am X-Factor vs Edmonton Impact
4:30pm/5:30am DYNASTY vs Tampa Bay Damage
Aleksandr Berdnikov
Matt Blonski
Konstantin Fedorov
Denis Golev
Mikhail Knyazev
Vasiliy Panteleev
Kirill Prikhidni
Justin Rabackoff
Sergey Solnyshkov
Evgeny Zakharov
Chad Bouchez
A.J. Lawhead
Cody Mickowski
Samuel Monville
Zack Patient
Nicholas Slowiak
Chris Sosine
Drew Templeton
Alex Fraige
Alex Goldman
Ryan Greenspan
Oliver Lang
Michael Mesa
Yosh Rau
Tyler Shelton
Glenn Takemoto
Dalton Vanderbyl
Justin Cornell
Josh Davey
Jonathon Edgington
Chad George
Tim Montressor
Ryan Moorhead
Josh Ouimet
Cole Scott
Zachary Yachimec
Zane Yachimec
Robert Aviles
Nicky Cuba
Chris Lasoya
Travis Lemanski
Marcello Margott
Jon Richardson
Kevin Rudulph
Justin Schwarz
Greg Siewers
Zack Wake
Osvaldo Brito Neto
Chris Catt
Eric Humphreys
Scott Kemp
Michael Paxson
David Bains
Keith Brown
Chad Busiere
Mike Carthy
Jacob Edwards
Ramzi El-Yousef
Tyler Harmon
Daniel Holliday
Timmothy Propst
Bryan Smith
Bryan Bortol
Shane Colby
Christopher Hooker
Brock Jolliff
Phil Kahnk
Trevor Resar
Parker Rosenthal
Zachary Sherman
Ryan Cohen
Grayson Goff
Michael Johnson
Derick Jordan
Mykel Kovar
Archie Montemayor
Todd Morrow
Dusty Odell
William Odell
Colt Roberts
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Ollie Lang vs Frank Cornell at NPPL Chicago
The "controversy" on the net right now is the Ollie Lang vs Frank Cornell 'incident' at NPPL Chicago. This amateur video came up this morning on the net and ProPaintball. Can't really see much except for the trade off that happened and Frank was called 'out' and Ollie called 'safe'. Ollie played on and wrapped up the game for Dynasty.

The ref just has to get in the way of what would have been a front cover photo of the 'headbutt'.
What happened afterwards was the 'head butt' of goggles at the Avalanche flag station when Ollie went to grab the flag. And thus everyone has their opinion on it.
Trust the guys at PBFashion to come up with a real good close up of the whole bunkering move in this video.
They slowed down Frank's run down on Ollie and at .37 you can see that it is very close but Frank does get a hit on Ollie's leg or pack first- there is a yellow splash just before Ollie puts a couple on Frank's belly.

Frank Starts his run - there is a definite hit on Ollie's pack or back - there is splash of paint at the bottom of the picture. At the top of the picture in the red circle Frank is still clean.
FACT Frank got Ollie first.

A split second later Ollie pulls and this is the first of three hits on Frank's belly in the red circle
It should have been a trade off. The refs got it wrong this time and I cant really blame them because it was so close. That's why I guess they rather pull both - just to be sure.
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Most football fans would instantly recognise this which is the UEFA Champions League Patch. This patch will be on the sleeve of every team European club that qualifies for the most prestigious club competition in the world. Every player and fan would be proud to have this on the sleeve of their team jersey.

The Millennium Series format follows the Champions League a bit where they have CPL and SPL divisions and also every CPL and SPL teams are required to have the Millennium Series emblem on their sleeves as like in the UEFA Champions League. The artwork for the Millenium Series logo is readily available and made easy for teams to add to the design of their jerseys and dye sublimated on.
What the MPOC should do is to design and make a patch for the 5/6 Division 1 teams in the league. I feel that its is something special for a team to make it and play in Division as we all know that not many teams can reach the heights of Division 1. Therefore there should be something special that the MPOC can do to make each of these team feel that they have accomplished something and to be proud to be in Division 1 in the MPOC.
I think every Div 1 player would be very proud to be able to wear a MPOC Div1 "League of Champions" patch on his sleeve.

A collection of sleeve patches from the major football leagues and competitions.
This patch would also give the league a more professional image. With the amount of commitment, sponsor money invested in these precious few high profile Division 1 teams - they should be celebrated and presented to the public in an image as the best and most professional manner as possible.
Most of the photos of paintball that appear in the main steam media would be of the Division 1 teams and it would give the MPOC a higher profile to have a patch on their sleeve.

Champion's Patch
The Champions of most football leagues in Europe get to sew on an additional or special patch for the next season to commemorate their championship. The English Premier League issues a Gold Patch, UEFA has a European Champions Cup patch with the number of wins, The Bundersliga also has a special patch. The Italian teams are given a star for every 10 championship and here we can see that Juventus with their 2 stars to commemorate their 27 Italian Championships - 3 more wins and they can put another star on their jerseys.
The MPOC and PALS should design a patch/logo which a season Overall winner can sew or put in the design of their jerseys. X-Fox have a small logo with 3 crowns to commemorate their 3 overall championships.
While I applaud the idea to make a Champions Jersey for the winners of last years World Cup Asia- it may be impractical for some teams to wear them all the time because of sponsors etc. However with a "Champions" patch/logo they can just easily sew the patch on or dye sub the logo on their jerseys.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Jeff Stinton took some really nice photos from PSP Galveston. Lets have a bit of fun and see what his photos reveal.

Ollie Lang back in blue side by side with Ryan Greenspan it had an obvious immediate effect- they won. Gone are the blue NXe packs.

One of the other new pick up who rocked the doritos all weekend - Dalton Vanderbyl

Mouse is all grown up now and playing on Dynasty. How do It know its Mouse? He's like Michael Jackson- wears one glove

Mike Mesa from the old Avalanche crew made a come back and straight into the no1 team. Seems that everyone favors the GEO on Dynasty. And that's the Dynasty Edition CP Barrel

Veterans Glenn Takemoto in front of Yosh Rau doubling up at home. Glenn is still wearing the ABYSS head band old skool and preferring the Ego over the Geo.

Some interesting shots of Infamous- they are supposed to be shooting Sly Barrels but most of them used the stock Axe barrel. Marchello Margott in front is using a Dye Boomstick- probably from his old days at Ironmen And the blue coloured barrel at the back looks like a CP.

Nicky Cuba is also still attached to his Boomstick from his days on Ironmen. Nicky and Marcello prefer to use the smallest nose on their Prophecy Loaders. Im trying to figure out what the letters written on his hands are for. Here is "KW" on his right hand.

"RW" on his left hand. I'll ask him that the letter mean and update this post.
And Nicky is wearing no9 instead of his regular no23 when with the Ironmen.

Always nice to see Vicious shooting their Furious Barrels

Almost the whole team use Vicious Edition Egos over Geos

Most of the guys on the team use the team goggle sticker

Marchello and Nicky were not the only ones - Assault from Division 1 were also using the Boomsticks on their Axes.

Long hair and stars and stripes on his head- no prizes to guessing who this is. The man PSP Red hates- Ryan Moorehead

Here is something interesting - a Ego7 with a 12 Inch Smart Part Freak barrel. Thats old skool!

Mr H busy all weekend at Galveston - love his work love his wardrobe manager.

We've all seen the new Dye Referee's jersey- this is the Planet Eclipse version

Not Thomas Taylor but Mishka Kniazev. Russians are using Sly barrels and goggles but not their pants and packs.

Aftershock using dark green Sly Profit masks- wonder why they didnt get the limited edition lime green ones like ICON.
For more pictures by Jeff Stinton go to his flickr
Copyrights of all these photos belong to Jeff Stinton.
No infringement intended I don't make money from my blog.

Ollie Lang back in blue side by side with Ryan Greenspan it had an obvious immediate effect- they won. Gone are the blue NXe packs.

One of the other new pick up who rocked the doritos all weekend - Dalton Vanderbyl

Mouse is all grown up now and playing on Dynasty. How do It know its Mouse? He's like Michael Jackson- wears one glove

Mike Mesa from the old Avalanche crew made a come back and straight into the no1 team. Seems that everyone favors the GEO on Dynasty. And that's the Dynasty Edition CP Barrel

Veterans Glenn Takemoto in front of Yosh Rau doubling up at home. Glenn is still wearing the ABYSS head band old skool and preferring the Ego over the Geo.

Some interesting shots of Infamous- they are supposed to be shooting Sly Barrels but most of them used the stock Axe barrel. Marchello Margott in front is using a Dye Boomstick- probably from his old days at Ironmen And the blue coloured barrel at the back looks like a CP.

Nicky Cuba is also still attached to his Boomstick from his days on Ironmen. Nicky and Marcello prefer to use the smallest nose on their Prophecy Loaders. Im trying to figure out what the letters written on his hands are for. Here is "KW" on his right hand.

"RW" on his left hand. I'll ask him that the letter mean and update this post.
And Nicky is wearing no9 instead of his regular no23 when with the Ironmen.

Always nice to see Vicious shooting their Furious Barrels

Almost the whole team use Vicious Edition Egos over Geos

Most of the guys on the team use the team goggle sticker

Marchello and Nicky were not the only ones - Assault from Division 1 were also using the Boomsticks on their Axes.

Long hair and stars and stripes on his head- no prizes to guessing who this is. The man PSP Red hates- Ryan Moorehead

Here is something interesting - a Ego7 with a 12 Inch Smart Part Freak barrel. Thats old skool!

Mr H busy all weekend at Galveston - love his work love his wardrobe manager.

We've all seen the new Dye Referee's jersey- this is the Planet Eclipse version

Not Thomas Taylor but Mishka Kniazev. Russians are using Sly barrels and goggles but not their pants and packs.

Aftershock using dark green Sly Profit masks- wonder why they didnt get the limited edition lime green ones like ICON.
For more pictures by Jeff Stinton go to his flickr
Copyrights of all these photos belong to Jeff Stinton.
No infringement intended I don't make money from my blog.
Frankfurt Syndicate's 2011 jersey

Frankfurt Syndicate's 2011 jersey is designed by MAXSIMUM customs as it is related their big time sponsor MAXS. They have also picked up SLY as a sponsor. They have also switched from JT Proflexes to V force masks. Syndicate used to be Tadao team too but have switched to Virtue. Also noted from practice pictures that they have switched from Velocities to red Dye Rotors but still shooting MacDev Cyborgs. And the team will be wearing Sly's S11 pants with NXe packs.


MAXSIMUM Customs scored a big team in signing up Dynasty without a doubt the biggest brand in paintball today. Dynasty just came off from a win at PSP Galveston and are due to arrive in Europe this weekend to pick up their new 2011 Euro Dynasty jerseys to be worn when playing in the CPL in the Millennium Series.
MAXSIMUM Customs jerseys are designed by Mario Kulic who was creative mastermind behind S2 but now works German super paintball store MAXS Sport on MAXSIMUM customs.

Frankfurt Syndicate's 2011 jersey has almost the same accent from last years jersey by S2. But minus the JT brand which has so long been associated with the team.

Art Chaos is a CPL Russian 'all star' that will field a bunch of guys from the Russian Legion - Kostja Fedorov, Kirill Prhidini, Vasja Pantelev and Mishka Kniazev.
Marseille Icon to Wear Sly Profit

Picked this bit up from my friend Nima Razavi's Twitter. Marseille Icon will be wearing Sly's Limited Edition Profit mask for 2011 for obvious reasons. Looks like they will also be wearing their TANKED jerseys for the Millenium Series opener this weekend.

From Icon's Facebook- they practiced Ramstein Instinct last weekend.

When I heard that some kid offered Devon Stutz USD600 for his Ironkids Sandana- I thought that was insane. [ And we told Devon he was insane not to take the money.]
Now this has been overtaken by the sale of Zyzek's OG Tree Trunk Sandana on PbNation which went for a cool USD1000.

I guess getting an Ironmen to advertise it helped a bit. Thats Scott Kemp.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Just got these hot off the press.
World Exclusive Exclusive right here! TEAM XFOX CUSTOM NT11- thank you to Simon from the Foxes. Designed by PBH Paintball Heaven Malaysia for team XFOX

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3
Which one do you like? The foxes want to know.
I like no2 but with white grips and red trigger. I also like the all white no1.
World Exclusive Exclusive right here! TEAM XFOX CUSTOM NT11- thank you to Simon from the Foxes. Designed by PBH Paintball Heaven Malaysia for team XFOX

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3
Which one do you like? The foxes want to know.
I like no2 but with white grips and red trigger. I also like the all white no1.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anthony Odalis /Odalis Concept is from Le Plessis-Belleville, Picardie, France customised this red NT11 for the TONTON's Loic Voulot. Nice and simple designed patterns.

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