Friday, February 4, 2011

Paintball for the X Games?

Propaintball reported that the NPPL is currently in talks with ESPN to get Professional Paintball back on mainstream TV again. Paintball was last seen on TV on "Beyond The Paint" which was co produced by ESPN and the 'old' NPPL which was previously owned by defunct Pacific Paintball and when Pacific dent bust so did NPPL and thus the TV show also disappeared.

Its no big surprise that the NPPL is talking to ESPN again and this time I am hoping that the results would be more than just a lifestyle program which was what "Beyond The Paint" was. I am hoping that it'll lead to paintball being incorporated into the highly popular X Games. Up till now all x Games sport have been individual sports and paintball would be one of the first sport that has a team element to the X Games.

I have always believed that Paintball has a better chance of getting into the X Games than getting into the Olympics. Furthermore Paintball will grow better and faster and in the right target market in the X Games compared to the more rigid and mainstream Olympics.

So yes I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that the meetings with ESPN will somehow lead to Paintball being included in the X Games. My only concern with the NPPL being the one talking to ESPN is that I think the PSP format would be more TV friendly compared to NPPL's & man. But I'll take any format on TV as long as we get to watch Professional Paintball on TV.

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