I can tell you 2 things that will happen in 10 days time:-
1. Ryan Greenspan of the San Diego Dynasty WILL NOT BE COMING despite the organisers claim that he is.
2. Everyone will be talking about the Red Sevens in KL.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Today I realise that a lot of people read this blog and what I say have ramifications - now I know why some bloggers move their blogs etc.
Thus there is some weight on my shoulders I take some responsibility of what I have said. I must say that things are not rosy at the moment - HOWEVER they are not as they seem it is nothing for anyone to be pissed offed at.
Everyone please take a moment and chill. I will sort it out and you will all realise that there is a simple misunderstanding there are bigger things coming our way.
There are big things waiting to happen but I have recently been entrusted with a lot of responsibility and they will have to wait till the right moment.
Uncle Owen was right with that 'great power comes with great responsibility' crap.
Thus there is some weight on my shoulders I take some responsibility of what I have said. I must say that things are not rosy at the moment - HOWEVER they are not as they seem it is nothing for anyone to be pissed offed at.
Everyone please take a moment and chill. I will sort it out and you will all realise that there is a simple misunderstanding there are bigger things coming our way.
There are big things waiting to happen but I have recently been entrusted with a lot of responsibility and they will have to wait till the right moment.
Uncle Owen was right with that 'great power comes with great responsibility' crap.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Calgar and I were bored so we went to checkout a paintball field near Yishun.
One group had finished and the next group was much later on so we didn't hang around to watch them. There were come cute girls in that group too and one of them had a hit in her neck- I told her to ice it to prevent scarring although there was no break in the skin and 'informed' them that it'll take two weeks to 'go away'.
We did check out the photos of all the local celebrities who played paintball there. Damn lot of suckers - I wish I could play them and shoot 'em up.
Today was a significant day for paintball in Singapore and for the team too - a big day in which we saw the past and the future of paintball.
World Cup is only 2 weeks away - yikkes.
One group had finished and the next group was much later on so we didn't hang around to watch them. There were come cute girls in that group too and one of them had a hit in her neck- I told her to ice it to prevent scarring although there was no break in the skin and 'informed' them that it'll take two weeks to 'go away'.
We did check out the photos of all the local celebrities who played paintball there. Damn lot of suckers - I wish I could play them and shoot 'em up.
Today was a significant day for paintball in Singapore and for the team too - a big day in which we saw the past and the future of paintball.
World Cup is only 2 weeks away - yikkes.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Flex 8 Painted
Thursday, November 22, 2007
BAH HUMBUG Singapore Sports Council
On Tues we were really disappointed because our application for funding from the Singapore Sports Council rejected on grounds that Paintball "does not have a clearly defined sports component"
This is ironic because we do have a letter from the sports council recognising the Paintball Association and Paintball as a sport.
So what constitutes a "sport component"? I can argue that ballroom dancing is not a sport- its a "dance" but yet the Sports Council is throwing money at them and they get front page newspaper coverage.
Lets look at what we have to go through in paintball that has elements of "sport".
In paintball we have to run-dive-shoot. We have to think on our feet make decisions on the fly. We have to be fit although I am the exception to this rule. We have group streaching and warm-up sessions before every game to make sure we don't injure ourselves. We have to play, get along and work as a team. Now you tell me how much of this shit you get in ballroom dancing?
If you ask me why I think Paintball- Speedball is a sport.
You only have to look at the organisation and the tournaments. We have set rules- referees and properly organised tournaments and even leagues. Paintball is not just a once weekend get together and pick teams and have one or two games. There are a lot of serious players and serious teams out there. There is real competition and dedication to be the best.
The Red Sevens are special- we have to cross the border to play out game- we travel 650km round trip to KL just to practice. We spend 10 hours on the bus on weekends. So you can't say that we play paintball just for fun. There is a lot more to it.
Singapore (also) boleh
Where do we go from here? We can be sore and pissed off at the Singapore Sports Council for being narrow minded. Or we can move on and just get on with it. To be honest I never had much hope in the Sports Council because I have always thought that they have a "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality and only want one when somebody else has one. Singapore had to wait 10 years before they also wanted a Formula 1 Grand Prix. I guess when paintball finally becomes mainstream in 10 years time- they will come knocking on our door.
In the meantime we have to just get on with it and find some money and sponsors and make the best of what we have. Being "the one and only Singaporean team" doesn't mean much to me when the whole country doesn't give a shit about who we are and what we're trying to do.
Maybe one day paintball will be in ESPN X Games and if they have it in the X Games Asia- we'll be there for sure. If I ever get asked if I'm proud to be the only team to represent Singapore- I'll be sure to quote the rejection letter and say "fuck no I don't play for Singapore- I play for the Red Sevens.
This is ironic because we do have a letter from the sports council recognising the Paintball Association and Paintball as a sport.
So what constitutes a "sport component"? I can argue that ballroom dancing is not a sport- its a "dance" but yet the Sports Council is throwing money at them and they get front page newspaper coverage.
Lets look at what we have to go through in paintball that has elements of "sport".
In paintball we have to run-dive-shoot. We have to think on our feet make decisions on the fly. We have to be fit although I am the exception to this rule. We have group streaching and warm-up sessions before every game to make sure we don't injure ourselves. We have to play, get along and work as a team. Now you tell me how much of this shit you get in ballroom dancing?
If you ask me why I think Paintball- Speedball is a sport.
You only have to look at the organisation and the tournaments. We have set rules- referees and properly organised tournaments and even leagues. Paintball is not just a once weekend get together and pick teams and have one or two games. There are a lot of serious players and serious teams out there. There is real competition and dedication to be the best.
The Red Sevens are special- we have to cross the border to play out game- we travel 650km round trip to KL just to practice. We spend 10 hours on the bus on weekends. So you can't say that we play paintball just for fun. There is a lot more to it.
Singapore (also) boleh
Where do we go from here? We can be sore and pissed off at the Singapore Sports Council for being narrow minded. Or we can move on and just get on with it. To be honest I never had much hope in the Sports Council because I have always thought that they have a "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality and only want one when somebody else has one. Singapore had to wait 10 years before they also wanted a Formula 1 Grand Prix. I guess when paintball finally becomes mainstream in 10 years time- they will come knocking on our door.
In the meantime we have to just get on with it and find some money and sponsors and make the best of what we have. Being "the one and only Singaporean team" doesn't mean much to me when the whole country doesn't give a shit about who we are and what we're trying to do.
Maybe one day paintball will be in ESPN X Games and if they have it in the X Games Asia- we'll be there for sure. If I ever get asked if I'm proud to be the only team to represent Singapore- I'll be sure to quote the rejection letter and say "fuck no I don't play for Singapore- I play for the Red Sevens.
Sunday, November 18, 2007

The moments before the 10 second warning
I stand in the muck with the 4 by my side
I stare down the other end
I'm not scared
I just want to get this shit done
I don't want to fuck up
I run thru the game plan-again
I visualise the spots and the lanes
I check the hopper
I check the gun
They call socks off
I pull a few into the dirt
They call the 10 seconds
We get set to go
I tell the guys to "shut-up"
I call the "go"
I love my guys
I live for these moments.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
New JT 2008 Pants
Friday, November 16, 2007
NXe's New Hopper - JNRY

Yep you read it correctly - our sponsors NXe will be launching their first hopper on the 29th of this month at the Commanders Cup. I can't wait to see what it looks like.
"Our team of electrical and mechanical engineers have taken 2 years to develop what will become "the Best Hopper in the business." We will introduce it at Commander's Cup and no pictures or other information about the "JRNY" will be released until then "
Mod your Pulse with Magnetic lid
The Pulse Loader has a quirk- it has a magnet as well as a snap shut lid. The magnet doesn't really come in contact unless you snap the lid shut- which defeats the purpose of having magnets in the first place.

So to "fix" this- take apart the shells- take out the magnet from the back of the shell and super glue it to the top of where it usually sits. Use a small drop of super glue as it'll melt the shell and that is enough to seal it in place

The magnet will now come in contact with the lid's magnet and that should hold a fully loaded Pulse.
So to "fix" this- take apart the shells- take out the magnet from the back of the shell and super glue it to the top of where it usually sits. Use a small drop of super glue as it'll melt the shell and that is enough to seal it in place
The magnet will now come in contact with the lid's magnet and that should hold a fully loaded Pulse.
Vlocity shells
Thursday, November 15, 2007

I finally got a photo of my marker - this is from practice in KL 2 weeks ago by Evil Chef. I am using the Vlocity loader on top for the first time with the speedfeed and my marker is on my new NXe pro gear bag which is huge.
And I also got my spare barrel powder dusted white- so it looks like the barrel in the pic.
Sponsor Hunt
Its 22 more days till the World Cup and 2 months till the new year. The hunt for sponsors is on for next seasons's budgeting. I am looking and writing to anyone I think might be interested in sponsoring the team or getting their brand into the sport.
Trouble is the sport is not that well known - that I accept. But also people are closed minded. They either want to support football or they put their money into Pool or a Marathon. I wonder how they pulled Standard Chartered into sponsoring the Singapore Marathon and Aviva into bolwing. We know that Mr Osim does triathalons - thus he sponsored the Iron man here recently. Caltex is smart to get their brand into motorsports with the Karting event they organised.
Perhaps the way to get a big sponsor is to get a rich CEO into the game. But big CEOS play golf and that game is not short of corp sponsors.
So what am I looking for? I'm looking for hip brands who want to attract the youth and people who are into extreme sports. Nike Singapore started a campaign of street ads featuring skaters and BMX bikers- nice campaign but it lacked a extreme team sport - paintball. Maybe Nike Singapore doesn't know paintball and the Red Sevens exists. I tired to write to them but their emails have bounced back.
I spoke to Red Bull a while ago and they seemed a bit arrogant- they will only put the Red Bull label on their internationally sponsored players and teams. They wouldn't even give me a cap because I'm not an official Red Bull spokes person. So now I'm trying to talk to the Thai Red Bull and see if they're more open minded.
Yesterday I wrote to a few companies- I hope I get through to the right person one of these days and get us a jersey sponsor and enough money to cover our paint consumption next year.
Trouble is the sport is not that well known - that I accept. But also people are closed minded. They either want to support football or they put their money into Pool or a Marathon. I wonder how they pulled Standard Chartered into sponsoring the Singapore Marathon and Aviva into bolwing. We know that Mr Osim does triathalons - thus he sponsored the Iron man here recently. Caltex is smart to get their brand into motorsports with the Karting event they organised.
Perhaps the way to get a big sponsor is to get a rich CEO into the game. But big CEOS play golf and that game is not short of corp sponsors.
So what am I looking for? I'm looking for hip brands who want to attract the youth and people who are into extreme sports. Nike Singapore started a campaign of street ads featuring skaters and BMX bikers- nice campaign but it lacked a extreme team sport - paintball. Maybe Nike Singapore doesn't know paintball and the Red Sevens exists. I tired to write to them but their emails have bounced back.
I spoke to Red Bull a while ago and they seemed a bit arrogant- they will only put the Red Bull label on their internationally sponsored players and teams. They wouldn't even give me a cap because I'm not an official Red Bull spokes person. So now I'm trying to talk to the Thai Red Bull and see if they're more open minded.
Yesterday I wrote to a few companies- I hope I get through to the right person one of these days and get us a jersey sponsor and enough money to cover our paint consumption next year.
To Dye or not to Dye

Tried posting this last night but couldnt upload the pic. Anyway its down to 2 designs and whether to go with Dye's C8 jersey on the left which is to iron on a print on a stock C8 dye jersey OR to get a custom made jersey from JT which is on the right.
With the Dye- all of us have Dye gear: googles and pants etc so if we got a set of dye stuff it wouldn't be too far off from what we currently use. Plus the quality of Dye jerseys will be the best with mesh for air flow and elbow pads etc.
JT- the jerseys will be custom made and the design will be unique- everyone will want to buy our jerseys. The sponsorship deal comes with lots of other JT gear: googles, pants, 2 sets of jerseys and Vlocity hopper, cap etc etc.
In terms of design and gear we get- I'm more in favor for the JT deal.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
When we're good we're good when we're bad we suck
On the first day we lost 6 games in a row and won only one. We sucked big time with out Padam Petir - too many silly mistakes and loose play cost us games we should have won.
We played like how we played in the Werdnahol Cup- we sucked. On top of that King's marker was down- he bought a new one Calgar got the same Proto PMR and it leaked out from the box. Nice. My marker had trouble chronoing over 250 but that was ok I managed to kill 3 in one game on Sunday.
On Sunday we had PP with us and things changed immediately - we had a better game plan and I think confidence was the key factor. We had one final prelim game to play on Sunday and we walked that one - it was a sweet piece of cake.
We scraped into the final 16 in 12th place and with 2 miserable wins. We then had to play second round against S2k (who beat us in the prelims)- we beat them and we also beat our neighbours the Myrmidons who came all the way from Terenganu. Our final game was against the Pink Mini bus which we lost. So we went 2-1 in the semis.
What came next was drama- we were tired 2-1 with S2k. At first we were counted into the quarters but on recount 10 mins later (after buying paint and gearing up) they recounted and said that S2k was in by a point. After a while again they recounted and realised that we were on even points. So a one on one challenge. PP was sent in and he tried his best but we got piped at the finish line.
I had a good weekend- Sat sucked but on Sun it was satisfying to get the 3 kills in one game and the 3 wins in a row to almost QF for the quarters.
I think we gained a lot of respect and friends from the other teams- it was nice to have people from the other teams coming over to out tent and sitting down hanging out and having a chat. I wanted to have a BBQ pit- that would have gone down really well.
We also hoped we made a good impression with the Singapore Sports Council reps who were kind enough to take the trouble to come all the way to watch us play- and people like Jerrica who crewed and Calgar and Evil Chef who also crewed and helped us out- everyone contributed to the team. I also hoped Ivan who came from Singapore to watch- also enjoyed the games.
Well onwards to the World Cup- that's going to be one expensive weekend.
We played like how we played in the Werdnahol Cup- we sucked. On top of that King's marker was down- he bought a new one Calgar got the same Proto PMR and it leaked out from the box. Nice. My marker had trouble chronoing over 250 but that was ok I managed to kill 3 in one game on Sunday.
On Sunday we had PP with us and things changed immediately - we had a better game plan and I think confidence was the key factor. We had one final prelim game to play on Sunday and we walked that one - it was a sweet piece of cake.
We scraped into the final 16 in 12th place and with 2 miserable wins. We then had to play second round against S2k (who beat us in the prelims)- we beat them and we also beat our neighbours the Myrmidons who came all the way from Terenganu. Our final game was against the Pink Mini bus which we lost. So we went 2-1 in the semis.
What came next was drama- we were tired 2-1 with S2k. At first we were counted into the quarters but on recount 10 mins later (after buying paint and gearing up) they recounted and said that S2k was in by a point. After a while again they recounted and realised that we were on even points. So a one on one challenge. PP was sent in and he tried his best but we got piped at the finish line.
I had a good weekend- Sat sucked but on Sun it was satisfying to get the 3 kills in one game and the 3 wins in a row to almost QF for the quarters.
I think we gained a lot of respect and friends from the other teams- it was nice to have people from the other teams coming over to out tent and sitting down hanging out and having a chat. I wanted to have a BBQ pit- that would have gone down really well.
We also hoped we made a good impression with the Singapore Sports Council reps who were kind enough to take the trouble to come all the way to watch us play- and people like Jerrica who crewed and Calgar and Evil Chef who also crewed and helped us out- everyone contributed to the team. I also hoped Ivan who came from Singapore to watch- also enjoyed the games.
Well onwards to the World Cup- that's going to be one expensive weekend.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
New kit
I picked up 2 new kit in KL one was the NXe roller bag which is really great to have- its very big and useful. Has compartments for masks and tanks and shoes, clothing pods and hoppers and even a padded compartment in the cover for and assembled marker.

Evil Chef surprised me with a Dye Team LTZ Dye jersey - the 2007 version is gold (06 is green) but neverless its a nice jersey and I wore it all weekend in KL. I have 3 Dye jerseys now to rotate so I don't wear one out. THANKS DES!
Wrote to the Leonard Lim Straits Times sports reporter and invited him to to come and watch the team play in MPOC JB this weekend. His reply was
"unfortunately this weekend will be very busy for us..perhaps nexdt time?"
I'm wondering what major sports event is happening in Singapore this weekend. The Singapore masters was last weekend and the Rugby Sevens was the weekend before.
How often does he think people organise paintball tournaments that is in easy reach for him to come and watch?
I think its down to his ignorance and narrow mindedness - he wrote an artice about ballroom dancing in Singapore because Singapore has a medal chance in the SEA games- but he wont write anything about paintball- because he has never seen the sport and and wont take the time to find out.
Its something I find with most Singaporeans-closed minded kiasu-ness when I'm trying to introduce the sport to them. Comparing to Malaysians who are the opposite- open to new things jumping into the sport and embracing it. When I was in KL there were a whole bunch of new scenario players - while Singapore is being left further behind. Its going to be another Formula 1 thing where by only after 10 years of Malaysia hosting a Formula 1 Grand Prix will Singapore want to have one too.
Next up- the first Singaporean in space. Why? Because the Malaysians just did it.

Evil Chef surprised me with a Dye Team LTZ Dye jersey - the 2007 version is gold (06 is green) but neverless its a nice jersey and I wore it all weekend in KL. I have 3 Dye jerseys now to rotate so I don't wear one out. THANKS DES!
Wrote to the Leonard Lim Straits Times sports reporter and invited him to to come and watch the team play in MPOC JB this weekend. His reply was
"unfortunately this weekend will be very busy for us..perhaps nexdt time?"
I'm wondering what major sports event is happening in Singapore this weekend. The Singapore masters was last weekend and the Rugby Sevens was the weekend before.
How often does he think people organise paintball tournaments that is in easy reach for him to come and watch?
I think its down to his ignorance and narrow mindedness - he wrote an artice about ballroom dancing in Singapore because Singapore has a medal chance in the SEA games- but he wont write anything about paintball- because he has never seen the sport and and wont take the time to find out.
Its something I find with most Singaporeans-closed minded kiasu-ness when I'm trying to introduce the sport to them. Comparing to Malaysians who are the opposite- open to new things jumping into the sport and embracing it. When I was in KL there were a whole bunch of new scenario players - while Singapore is being left further behind. Its going to be another Formula 1 thing where by only after 10 years of Malaysia hosting a Formula 1 Grand Prix will Singapore want to have one too.
Next up- the first Singaporean in space. Why? Because the Malaysians just did it.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The field layouts for MPOC Johore Cup is up. AND THERE ARE NO SNAKES.
I'd say its a double edged sword - we and most teams would be used to playing the snake and countering the snake. But with these two fields - the games will be based on individual skill - it'll be heavily based on gunfighting. It a matter of knowing who to gun fight with and who not to. Snap shooting and patience and locking your lanes will be crucial. The bunkers are well spaced out and you have to make your move count. Those who adapt and play their individual games well will make the kills and score the wins.
Play will be generally defensive deep in the bunkers and waiting for people to attack. Its a matter of how much you're willing to risk running for at the breakout. I think most inexperienced teams will sit in the deep bunkers and wait. We'd have to go and get them.
We played a couple of skirmish games in KL over the weekend and got beat. I came away with a lot of apprehension for the tournament. I think most of the other teams will be better prepared- have trained more and played more games than us. We're brining in 2 new players and we'll be missing one experience player and re adjusting the positions. Not to mention markers and hoppers not working properly- to add to the worries.
The team dynamics is new and switching positions will take a bit of getting used to. We won't have the experience of Slow Poke to guide us so the senior players will have to step up and lead the team. We'll need some breaks and luck we had in the JB fitness Challenge. I think they JB teams will be out to gun us for the games.
Everyone needs to settle down and concentrate on their own game and the team game plans. The field walk on Friday will be crucial esp for the new guys
We did have good news that Shaf will join us for 2008- which is not just good news but GREAT news because it really solidifies the back row for 2008.
Friday, November 2, 2007
PB in Sarawak

When news that Gary from XFox and Junaidi from the Malaysian Marshalls went to my home town of Kuching to conduct a paintball clinic got to me - I was really excited to hear it. I hope the sport grows in Kuching and hopefully one day soon we'll play a MPOC leg in Kuching.
Apparently there are 2 fields in Kuching and one in Miri. I hope they invest in air bunkers and good markers soon (and a damn air compressor). Going cheap with makeshift bunkers made with crates and wooden pallets and plastic drums is not going to develop the sport not to mention dangerous.
Anyway be cool to play PB in Kuching the next time I go home.
KL this weekend

2007 NXe Elevation Series Executive Rolling Gear Bag

2008 NXe Elevation Series Executive Rolling Gear Bag
Its the night before a PB trip to KL. Have to figure out what gear to bring with me and which bag to pack them all into. I've got the big ass NXe gear bag waiting for me in KL so coming back with everything should be ok. The 08 bag is out already but I think its not that much better than the 07 version
I was smart enough to send gear up with PP on Monday since he was driving back. I still have to take the pads, pants and jersey which had to be washed and dried - otherwise I'd sent them along with my gear to KL first.
The team usually goes after work on Friday night via woodlands-larkin-bus to KL - which is really STRESSFUL and CHAOTIC and an adventure because you're never sure what sort of bus you're going to end up on and where it'll go in the middle of the night. I have the luxury of not working tomorrow so I'm going to cross the border after lunch and take my leisurely time getting on a bus to KL.
I want to avoid the Friday night mad rush and crowd. And I want to get into KL in the evening so I can meet PP for dinner at least and get to my friend's place in a decent hour and not arrive at 2-3am in the freaking morning.
Looks like we're going to try and get as many games as possible this weekend together with Shah and work out the team dynamics. PP got my tank leak fixed on Monday so hopefully all the gear will be in good condition. My repaint-dusted barrel is ready too- all white with a red back. I might pick it up tomorrow if I have the time and bring it up with me.
Here is to 'not spending too much money' over the weekend.
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