Steven "Mr Dye Asia" WINS a PROTO SLG!
Steven is in this photo second from the right - proudly holding up the SLG box that he and Team Ku just won as second place prize (along with a brand new Vlocity too).
LOL that is not a SLG is a PMR
*Damn* - I wanted to make the story funnier anyway.
That you Steven?
Coincidence, the Dye sponsored team with their Dye staff player wins the Dye marker..hmmm..hmmm..still fishy..hmmm.
Well, at least no one is on to the fix yet Steven..opps! Did I say that and a name? My bad.
At least you can`t see the guilty Japanese players behind that good looking white guy. Is he a visiting pro or something?
nope, that would be the white boy i believe, and seroiusly, how were you the one speaking and in all the photos, there is no Banno or Michiko? just the white boy??
I was all for them speaking but got pushed into doing it. Yeah, yeah, I do public speaking everyday for work but still..okay, I loved it, may never happen again and really owe Ku a lot. Luvin every minute of it and not sure why everyone took my pic..hmm..thanks anyway
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