Ok I scored a bit of an exclusive here - Shane Howe replied and told me that YES it is confirmed that he will be leaving Infamous and will be joining his old team mates from his old Northern California team called Mommas's Boys who are currently on the OC Bushwacker's roster (Ryan, Nate, Prince and Martin).
Shane practices with the Bushwackers all the time as everyone lives near Dave Baine's field in the Nor-Cal area. So it made sense for them to ask him to join them. Shane spoke to LB about it last week and Infamous are going through a restructure with some players leaving and budget re adjustments etc. The decision to leave was only made on Saturday - so we got the news pretty quick.
He also confirms that Jon Richardson has moved to the Ironmen furthermore he also told me that G-NO has retired. Steven Slasher has moved back to South Carolina which makes coming to practice that more harder thus we're not sure if he will be on Infamous this year.
I spoke to G-no and he confirms that he is indeed retiring and he also corrected that Slasher moved back to South Carolina and not Virginia- which is where G-No lives.
AND Slasher replied on my Infamous thread in PbNation and said that he has moved back to South Carolina BUT he will be on the team for 09. GOOD STUFF!
Thanks to Jon 'The 'Tard" Ang for the pic. Have fun 'siamming' SPNS at home in P-Town.
No prob man. I ain't siamming anything! HAHAHAHA
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