Where were you when XSV came to town?
Two Sundays ago - XSV was playing Dynasty for 3rd place at Buffalo and I watched Thomas Taylor duking it out with Angel Fragoza in the snake on my screen and I thought to myself then “fuck this is awesome and I'm going to meet this guy next week”. One week later Thomas Taylor is on the right corner and I'm in the center and we’re snap shooting each other Jon and I just missed laning him. Unreal.
Well those people who didn’t write to me will kick themselves for missing out on an awesome clinic.

First of all thank you to the Malaysian Paintball Association because the clinic turned out to be free.
Because there wasn’t many tournament players there - we basically had one on one lessons with TT and JB. We knew what we wanted to learn and we asked all the questions we wanted to know.
I was pretty excited at knowing that my snake player was given a private lesson on how to play in the snake - by the best snake player in the world - it cant get any better than that. And TT taught us how to ‘superman dive’ properly without getting jammed into the ground.
As it turns out Junior Brown plays the same position as me, so I got him to teach Jon and I how to play center back and how to shoot the break. How to play the whole team, how to put your players into bunkers where you want them to be in and how the corners work with the snake guy. And he also taught us how to contain and pinch the opposite team.
We had 2 'personal tutors' who basically taught us anything we asked and told us how to play and how to practice for it. Further more they taught us things and ways of thinking during a game - how to control the other side and what to do to gain as much advantage as possible in as many way as possible to beat the other side.

After the clinic we sat around chilled and just talked and asked questions. I took the opportunity to probe into the world of a professional paintballer and I asked questions about how the pros get sponsors and gear and how they travel and play tournaments etc. All this I will compile in a special exclusive interview.

We came away with XSV stickers, a 08 jersey, TT goggle straps, even an awesome PB DVD, posters and a Flora Fest mini banner all signed (Azlan even got his tool box signed!).
READ THIS — the first person to write a something in the comments thread will get a signed Thomas Taylor poster.
PLUS I am arranging for one the lucky guys - a spot as a crew for XSV during the Asian Invitational. Fuck man that will be an awesome gig.
Junior (who is charge of team sales) gave me his card and he told me "if you want anything come directly to me - don't go thru ebay anymore. I saw some stuff that is not out on the market yet - XSV tanks look really really sweet. Not everyone on the team has the new XSV tanks. Thomas uses a 45/4500 white tiny crossfire which makes his Ego 8 feel as light and thin as like you're holding a clothes hangar upside down.
It was a trip that cost each of us about less than a hundred Ringgit travel (RM33) and hotel (RM57) but a million bucks worth of knowledge and experience and we came away with two great guys as new friends.
So where were hell were you?
i was coaching red fraction and i really wanna crew for those guys!!!
OH AND THANKS to Jon for bringing his camera along and taking the pics!
We'll forgive you for LEAVING YOUR PASSPORT BEHIND >:)
Oh yeah ok- since Calgar got the poster- I have some XSV, Eclipse and REDZ stickers.
Post up in there where you're from outside of Singapore and Malaysia and if you live the furthest country away from Singapore- I'll mail you the stickers.
HAHAHAHA... f**ktard...
you're not welcome for the pics.
and thanks baby ben for your marker!
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