Also posted on propaintball.com
The big story that was going around was that one of the guys on Tampa Bay Damage was playing the finals with a "broken rib". Matt Marshall was talking about it all weekend at Phoenix and we all even winced when this took a big dive into the corner bunkers on the injured rib.
The guy from Tampa Bay Damage is 20 year old Brandon Rittinghouse and he talked to us about playing with the injury which turns out to be officially referred to as a "cracked rib" but it was minor enough to be able to carry on playing.
"The injury happened in our game with the Hurricanes, there was a minor penalty called on the play and I was trying to make it to the box before they hung flag so that the penalty would come off the board before the next point. I got tripped up just before the box and fell pretty hard on my side."
At that time team mate Rumzi (Ramzi El-Yousef) had suffered an hamstring injury earlier on the day. That left the team with only 6 fit players. So Damage was in trouble with the body count and Brandon decided to tough it out and play. "After talking it over with the team and coaches, we decided that as long as the injury wasn't affecting my game or bringing the team down in any way then I would be allowed to play."
"After the match we were brought to the ER to get checked out and make sure everything was ok. I got a couple X-rays and was told the I cracked one rib as well as separated some from the cartilage but there was really nothing that could be done for any type of rib injury. Rumzi's injury however was more severe and it looks like he will be out for a few weeks."
Thank you Brandon and we hope you and Rumzi get over your injuries soon.