The official Pick'em board stats for NEO.

The predictions from PB Pick'em - everyone is picking Ironmen to win- My predicted stats in Pick 'em have Infamous and Ironmen in the final with Infamous FTW
I wish PSP would smarten up and put their games online like NPPL Live- even if they did charge $10 per weekend I'd pay for it. X-Ball would be hell to watch. I love watching NPPL live but X-Ball would be that bit more entertaining online.
Looking at the team Rankings- Ironmen are sitting pretty up top with . If they score some big points and finish top 4 I think they could wrap up the NXL along with their NPPL title which they wrapped up a couple of weeks ago.
Infamous are still in but need to close the gap eith a top 4 finish this weekend for any chance to catch Ollie and the gang. Infmaous has got a damn god line up- they have big and small players- a blend of youth and experience and with a great anchor in LB Fow and Jon Richardson at the back. They won in chicago with only 8 guys- with a full line up this time I think I hope they will go all the way FTW.
Dynasty are getting better in X-Ball - once they do get into their groove they can take points away from the top teams. They being Dynasty are the team to beat in any game and we have seen teams like X-Factor come and beat them.
Im waiting to see if Tampa Bay's win was a flash in the pan. But I think the other teams will be trying to wrap up whatever points there is left in the last 2 legs on their year's tour. X-Factor and Impact should bring their A games and make things interesting.
As I have mentioned Avalanche has given up and not being able to come up with the marbles- couldnt pay their entry fees for this tournament. Looks like they might lose their pro spot next year. This will open the door for Joy to step back in- althought their sport is supposedly rented out to Tampa Bay.
My predictions for the weekend. Infamous Impact X-Factor and Ironmen to go final four.
Im hoping the russians who train only for X-Ball will somehow get their game together. And not forgetting Aftermath.
Speaking of Aftermath- looking at their line up- you'd notice that its a combination of players for teams like XSV, NE Hurricanes etc who dont play XBall. Rich Telford is in the coaching staff and they also have stars like LaSoya, Thomas Taylor, Billy Bernacchia, Thomas Mantoni and the talented Alex Goldman. If anything this is an "All Star Team" by default. I'm picking Aftermath as my dark hourse. I think they could go all the away if things get together on Sunday - they have done it before and I have no doubt they can do it again.
See you all on Sunday night.
Chat will be up seburo55@hotmail.com
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