For the first time the Red Sevens didn't qualify for Sunday. We had a lot of bad luck- we lost games we should have won and we drew a game that we should have won. Reffing was so so and slow and a few new refs didn't make the call as they should have.
We just missed the cut by one place finishing 17th 16 teams go through. But looking at the rankings- we have moved up into the top 10. If we won just one more game we would have qualified for Sunday and gone further up the rankings.
We played well in some of the games- just couldn't score the win.
We can be proud of the fact that we managed to beat the eventual D3 winners in the D'Mercy Kids. It was not the first time we beat the eventual winners- in MPOC1 we trashed the Johore pirates 5-0 and they went on to win D3. This shows that we can beat the best teams around- just that we also need to beat the other teams. I wouldn't say that we played badly- just that every other team has upped their game. Everyone is good in D3 now- its tight in the top 10- top 15 teams.
The other thing that I take great satisfaction was our game against Legionaries in which we played our Double X attack and beat them in 1min 40 secs. What happen after that was a string of teams trying the same attach but not as successful as ours. A lot of people don't know what to do once they reach the X in the middle. I will post our game plan in the next post.
The two new Egos shot really well all day. Ryan played with my TT ego and he said he loved it "it shoots straight and pretty much pick guys off". I think Ryan has established himself as a good shooter from the back corner. Big Ben also shot Jane's Ego and was impressed by the speed an accuracy.
My team MVP is Jane who played a brilliant game and was the last person alive vs their 4 and she killed 3 guys before narrowlly losing out to their last guy.
We have a lot of positives to bring to the last leg and hopefully that bit of luck will turn around too.

On another note I would like to thank the Spectre boys and congratulate them for winning D2. I managed to crew in 2 games and the last one was their final game. They beating Killer Beez game be a chance to experience what it's like to win. It was really great to a a little part of their first win and help them out a bit.
I also crewed for the X-menz in their final D1 game and I went 2-0 in crewing for final teams.
I'm happy you were part of our team last weekend. Huge thanks for your help, we owe the win to a lot of people.
Thanks for letting me crew for your team and giving me the chance to see MPOC up close and personal... now I'm really considering trying to form a team to play in MPOC...
hmm.. and here i was thinking Arthur's always been a part of Spectre? a small part maybe? just without a jersey? ehehehehehhe...
cheers mate!
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